بسم الله والحمد لله القائل في محكم تنزيله "يرفع الله الذين امنوا منكم والذين اوتوا العلم درجات" الاية
والصلاة والسلام على محمد ابن عبد الله القائل " انما بعثت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق" وعلى اله وصحبه ومن ولاه. اما بعد
Excellency the regent of Pamekasan Drs. KH. Kholilur Rahman, S.H. MSi
Honorable all juries and
Respectable MC who has given me an opportunity to give speech presentation   
Dear brothers and sisters in Islam whom I love
First of all let’s thank to Allah SWT. Who has given us mercies and blessings so that we can gather in this place without any trouble.
Secondly my sholawat and salam always belong to god’s messenger Mohammad SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness by means of Islam as true religion in the world.
Talking about education means discussion of the development of human civilization. The development of human education will affect the socio-cultural dynamics of society. Correspondingly, education will continue to progress in accordance with the development of culture. Many opinions of educational leaders impact on human civilization. This speech will describe opinions about the importance of education for teenagers, as well as the goals of general education in Indonesia.
From the development of ancient civilizations to the advent of the Enlightenment in Europe, the field of education received a major and strategic place in the life of government. Education is the most important. At least we can see from the opinion of some experts the following;
The Founder of the national leaders Ir. Sukarno and Ki Hajar Dewantara, also mentioned that the only thing that can change the fate of a national education.
Furthermore, according to UNESCO, if you want to build and try to fix things around the nation, it must be from the education, because education is the key to the improvement of civilization. Therefore UNESCO formulates the education as the following:
1. Learning how to think
2. Learning how to do
3. Learning how to be
4. Learning how to learn
5. Learning how to live together

National Education Minister Bambang Sudibyo said Indonesia would make education as a process of formation of the whole Indonesian people. The statement will be manifested in three things:
1. Mastery of science and technology (Science and Technology)
2. Aesthetics (Art)
3. Morals and Ethics

Thus, it is clear that education is not just a transfer of knowledge. Education must also learn about behavior, ethical-moral and mental protégé.
And Islam was very concerned about the development of the human spirit, especially in teenagers because teenagers are the future generations of people hope. Affection and Islamic religious education is the main capital in forming character for teenagers. The prophet Muhammad is the only example for his people in educating the teenagers. He said in his hadits :
انما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق
It means: "Verily I have been sent to perfect good character"
So, Education will have a high quality of the educational process if it created a knowledgeable human being and morality as Islamic character for teenagers.

I think that’s all from me may we get many benefits from that speech I would like to apologize my self if you found many mistakes and the last I say thank you very much for your attention see you around. 
ثم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته